Musical director:
Ido Shpitalnik

For the second time in our 31-year festival history, we are delighted to welcome an orchestra from Israel. This time it is a concert orchestra that operates as part of the Alpert Municipal Music Centre of Jerusalem.
The orchestra was founded in 2001 by the late Jerusalem honorary professor Eitan Avitsur together with the graduates of the music centre’s youth orchestra. Since then, it has grown and developed. Today, it consists of musicians from different backgrounds: students, pensioners, lawyers or painters from all denominations and religions in Jerusalem and its neighbourhood. The musical director since 2018 has been Ido Spitalnik, a young and active Jerusalem conductor who also serves as musical director of the Jerusalem Street Orchestra. The 60 musicians have a varied repertoire that includes classical music, Latin American music, swing and jazz, musicals and film music, rock and pop music.

In recent years, the orchestra has appeared in large-scale projects in which it has performed challenging works with soloists and choirs. Together with wind ensembles from all over Israel, they organise concerts in Jerusalem, but also in other cities in the country and sometimes even travel to festivals abroad.
Facebooksite of the orchestra
YouTube-Channel of the orchestra